Search Results
"Boop" | Rowing + Toes to Bar + Push Press + Front Squats | Banded Pull Apart Body Armor
"Casino Royale" | Hang Power Cleans + Front Squats + Push Press + Bike CrossFit WOD
THAT HEAVY?! 7:00 AMRAP of Toes to Bar + HEAVY front squats + double unders
20210316 / Crossfit / Comptrain / WOD / Boop
"RENT" | Row + Wall Balls + Dumbbell Snatches + Toes to Bar
Comptrains “Boop” - QUAL - 3/16/2021
CompTrain “Boop”
"Diddly Squat" CrossFit WOD | Running + Toes to Bar + Front Squats
Boop Training Brief (Workout & After Party)
"What's Up" | Snatch Complex | Squat Snatch + Toes to Bar WOD